Friday, November 11, 2011

Sonic Boom

It's always surprising to me when a new entry in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is released, because, invariably, I end up playing it. I've always attempted to dissuade others (and indeed, myself) from the notion that I am a legitimate fan of the franchise because of:

A) The series' childish exterior, which isn't typically an issue for me, but

B) The series' decline in quality in recent years happens to be.

Enough articles have been written about both the quality of some of the recent games and the quality of some of the die-hard fans that I don't really need to touch upon why both enjoying the games and being a fan of them have become increasingly negative things. One only needs to visit deviant art to see the sort of people I would be associating myself with were I to admit to being a fan of the series.

Search your fist name plus "The Hedgehog" on DA to see my point.

That said, I picked up a copy of Sonic Generations last week and beat it in a couple of hours, which was pretty disappointing, but one of the things that really stuck out to me in playing it was that I had actually played through every level before in their respective original levels.

Now, for those of you that don't know, Sonic Generations is sort of a greatest hits for the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. What I mean by that is, every stage in the game (there are only NINE) is a reconstructed stage from somewhere in the series history. Every main-series Sonic game is represented here, which was made it so shocking when I realized that, shit, I recognized every single one of them

I've literally played every main series Sonic game. Every one. I've suffered through Werehogs, Sonic '06, and every other stupid gimmick imaginable.

Including a few gimmicks that weren't main-series
So, yeah, for better or worse, I guess I'm a Sonic fan, which is why it's cool that SEGA has finally given me something I can actually enjoy.

-The Management