Friday, October 2, 2009

I Want to Ride My Bicycle

I busted out the bicycle today. "Busting out" referring to the lengthy and frustrating process of dragging it out of the storage room and up the stairs out of the basement. We have open stairs and the ceiling is low above them, when I turned the handle bars to get them to stop getting caught on the ceiling the tire of the bike slid in between the steps. After several minutes of what I consider a series of very creatively constructed expletives such as "COCKING SHIT" I finally got the damned vehicle up the stairs and collapsed.

Biking itself is a means of saving money. I've got to start paying rent soon, and now seems like as good a time as any to start being frugal. Of course, my free-wheeling lifestyle was supported in my early days by my parents being obligated to keep a roof over my head, but as I leave the nest (so to speak) I'm realizing that my spending habits need to be cut back a bit. Hence the bike. Pedaling around town will hopefully save me some scratch so I can get to places of necessity as well as keep up on the important things like vidya gaems and comic books. You know. The essentials.

At any rate, for those of you who haven't ridden a bike in a while, let me tell you first hand that it's no cake walk. Pedaling utilizes muscles I haven't thought about in ages, much less actively used. Because of this, one inexperienced with this method of transport will find that the transition between "Hey, this is kind of fun" and "Oh, god I'm going to die" not only comes up quickly, but happens without warning.

Even now, easily eight hours after my quarter-mile (potentially less) ride to my father's house, I ache in my legs. Remember when you were a kid and you stayed up too late? You're limbs started to hurt? If you asked my mother about it, she'd tell you that this was the cause of your body growing, something it does at night when you're supposed to be asleep.

Maybe I'm finally getting taller.

-The Management

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