Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010: A Brief Retrospective

I guess 2010 is pretty much over at this point. It's weird to think about, but it is.

I'm looking at where my life is right now, and it's sort of scary, truth be told. I'm honestly not sure what I'm doing. But I'm trying to do something and I do think that's what's important. I'm start of sorting to realize that I might not ever be on the cusp of great things. I'm getting older. I'm a man, now, and I think the best thing to do is just try to lead a life I enjoy doing things I enjoy and being around people I enjoy.

Which isn't to say I can stop. I'm still young, as weird as it is to thing about being an adult, there's still so many things I haven't had the opportunity to do yet. But then, I guess this entry isn't supposed to be about the future, is it? I think that'll be another one.

This is about 2010. Which I have to say has been the most eventful year of my life by a wide margin. As it draws to a close, I can see that every aspect of my life is and will be different than when it began, and because no one reads this, I can be as sappy as I want to when I think about it.

So here it is:

To all the friends I've made.
To all the enemies too.
To all the people I knew.
That aren't here anymore.
To all the little victories.
To all the massive failures.
For better or worse,
I think I'll always remember
2010 as the year
That everything changed.
Or, maybe...
Became the way it is.

-The Management.

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