Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Games I'm Excited to Play: A List Designed to Help Maintain Enthusiasm

E3 was a bit of a bust this year, and it's pretty easy to say "videogames are over" and all that sort of stuff when you see Nintendo announcing yet another gimmick, Microsoft pushing Kinect so hard or the influx of "brown and bloom" shooters that never seem to do anything new or interesting with the medium.

To remind me that videogames are not in fact over, this is a list of games I want to play.

-Sonic Generations
-Batman: Arkham City
-Megaman Legends 3
-BioShock Infinite
-Paper Mario 3D
-Super Mario 3D
-Mario Kart 3d
-Ray Man Origins
-Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
-Animal Crossing 3D

Hilariously, every one of these is a sequel.

-The Management

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