Friday, December 23, 2011

Static Shock

One thing I've noticed about myself recently is that when I'm looking forward to something, I wake up earlier in the mornings and go to sleep earlier in the evenings. 

An observation the attentive reader might make about this particular entry is that it was written at something like three and change in the morning, which, to those of you capable of basic reading comprehension and following patterns might indicate that I'm not looking forward to anything, which isn't entirely true, Christmas is coming up, after all.   

That said, over the course of the last two or so months, I'd been having a lot of fun being around someone whose company I very much enjoyed, and as a result of that I was waking up excruciatingly early (seriously, like 8:30 holy shit) and as a result of that I was going to bed earlier and earlier, and thus the cycle would perpetuate itself and so on. It makes sense, really. On the days I didn't get to see her, I wanted time to speed up so I could. Basically: The sooner I sleep, the sooner the next day is here, and my excitement for that next day would have me waking up before my alarm clock even went off for me to attend my classes. 

 I'm probably not going to be seeing much of her anymore, and I'm fine with that for the most part, some things don't work out. It's a bummer, but it's part of being a person. This entry isn't so much complaining about the loss of a relationship as it is commenting about how quickly things can return to normal after one ends. It's bizarre the way you return to the things you were doing before the person ever entered your life. In a way, it's kind of like you dreamed the whole thing. 

There was one instance I remember from maybe a year or two ago; At the time I was working my way through an emulated copy of Donkey Kong Country 3 when a girl unexpectedly took interest in me. I remember I was stuck on one of those shitty stages where you're inside those stupid pink trees. The one with the yellow bugs that are carrying rocks on their backs, and you step on the rocks, and when you do they jump into the air and lift you up higher. 

Anyway, as we started talking more and more, I began neglecting my attempted play-through of DKC3 in favor of talking to her on the phone all night. We hung out for a couple months; it all fell apart, but more than the time I spent with her, I remember sitting down in my computer chair one night after it was finally, definitively over and booting up the DKC3 emulator I had been working onI remember sighing as I returned to the pink trees and the yellow bugs and wondering to myself whether or not anything had ever really changed.  

-The Management

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