Sunday, September 2, 2012

Episode of Stadbury - A Fist Awash in Flame

As the door creaks open and a swathe of light from the hallway cuts a path through the otherwise faintly moonlit room, neither of the soldiers sleeping in the beds on the room's opposing walls pays any mind: Their slumber is too heavy. Even when the door is pushed back into place, and the clicking of its settling tumblers sets the intruder’s heart into a wildly arrhythmic patter, the men do not stir.  
The diminutive Wilden holds his breath for a moment, half expecting the men to awaken the moment he exhales. Gradually he releases the air in a long, slow burst and when they remain in place, he sets to work, moving around the room as close to noiselessly as he can manage gathering as he does the weapons that are propped against the wall and stowing them under the beds of his new enemies. Once this small feat is accomplished he saunters up close to one of the beds and reaches under his robe removing a small sickle that had been strapped to his leg. "Unfortunate," he whispers, "That yet another life must be taken. Woe be to he whose allegiance falls on the wrong side of my own. Perhaps one day you'll be a footnote in the legend of Stadbury." Stadbury raises his sickle as a look of grim finality crosses his face and brings it down suddenly as the sound of cloth being sliced fills the room. 
Stadbury is blinking at the sickle now, which he notices, as he raises it is not dripping with blood. In the moonlight pouring through the window he makes sudden note of feathers floating around his head he hadn't seen before. He looks down at the man he'd attempted to kill and meets his eyes, very much alive. The pillow the man's head had been laying on however had recently been sliced and drained of filling. Stadbury connects the dots just in time for the man's fist to connect with his jaw. A solid hit for a man laying down, but the dwarfish Wilden sorcerer is not floored by this blow, unexpected though it was, his composure is quickly regained, and he leans forward and puts an open palm to the groggy man's gaping mouth. "Big mistake." he says through gritted teeth, "You can’t begin to understand the power with which you trifle.”  A burst of flame erupts from his flattened hand and into the man's mouth scorching his insides. The man gurgles in pain and goes limp, the sudden increase in his body temperature causes the sheets he is wrapped in to break into a smoky smolder.

“Well, what have we here?!” The other soldier calls across the room as Stadbury turns from his fresh kill to face him, “Why if it isn’t the littlest Tree-Fuck!” He had always considered the slur for his people (a forest dwelling “one with nature” type of folk) to be a bit uncreative, but it still managed to get on his nerves considerably. Add to that a jab at his height and it is more than Stadbury can manage to maintain his composure. Seething now, he rushes the other soldier and in preparation for another burst of fire, thrusts his open palm toward the soldier who is still quite nude from being freshly awoken. The soldier slaps the hand away with his left and delivers a fierce right-hook to Stadbury’s nose sending him reeling as his newly repositioned offense goes off; briefly illuminating the room before catching a bureau that manages to remain lit.
The room now lit, the man glares at Stadbury before speaking, “I recognize you. You’re one of those idiot “mercenaries” the captain hired to help the guard two days ago. What’re you up to?”
Stadbury climbs up from his position on the floor holding his now bloodied nose, “Training exercise, soldier! And you passed! As world-renowned soldiers of fortune, we were hired to whip this guard into shape. Now, I know our methods may seem a tad unorthodox, but—“
“Enough, Tree-Fuck!” the soldier barks, and Stadbury’s eye twitches a bit as he says it, “No ‘training exercise’ murders one of the participants in cold blood. Would you like me to beat you to death now, or would you rather extend your life by the length of your explanation?”
“Initially I hesitated to tell you, impudent little soldier,” Stadbury begins, part of him still seeking that magic combination of words that defuses the situation, or at the very least spares him another working-over, “because it would mean your death. But of course, then I realized, there isn’t an end to this conversation where you survive, so I’ll enlighten you as quickly as I can. We are mercenaries, this much is true, however we work for the Aldide Family, not for your joke of a captain. Thirty men have been signaled to attack this manor within the next five minutes, and my comrades and I have dispersed to do in the sleeping soldiers to even the odds a bit.”
“Why?” The soldier asks, not so much as blinking.
“We were hired to get what you are guarding. The artifact. The sword. Where is it? If you tell me now I might see you live as a cripple rather than take your life.” The soldier rushes now, aiming his punches downward so they won’t soar over the head of his foe. One blow misses but a second lands and Stadbury rolls backwards over himself landing, with agility that surprises even himself, in a squatting position on his feet. His thrusts his palm forward and lets fly with another burst of flame this one catching the soldier (already preparing to loose another flurry of blows) in the torso. The flames on the soldier catch immediately and the now flaming man shrieks in pain as the fire spreads up his torso and down his arms. Stadbury allows himself a moment of smug satisfaction before a flaming fist lands on the side of his face.

An incredulous Stadbury now gapes at his enemy, still screaming in agony, and must allow himself a moment to both relish the absurdity of his situation and begrudgingly acknowledge his respect for his opponent’s dedication to the fight. Another flaming fist finds its way to Stadbury’s bruised face and he realizes all at once that he can hear his heart thumping in his ears over all the screaming and bludgeoning going on. It occurs to him that he really ought to consider doing something. It occurs to him further that he really ought to lay off the fire.

Another fist to the face, another intelligible shriek of intense suffering. Stadbury rides this one backwards and uses it to make some distance between him and his assailant, distance which his addled mind correctly assumes would be advantageous. His back hits the wall and with nowhere else to go, he focuses his effort on swirling his hands. The soldier inhales and his lungs pop audibly as a luminescent orb appears in Starbury’s hands, filling the whole room with sickly greenish hue. He hurls it at the soldier and it splashes against him. The soldier mimes a scream, but is now incapable. His face melts away as the flames are extinguished and the flecks from the acidic orb land on the floor around him and eat through it. Gradually the floor around the dying soldier gives way and he falls through as Stadbury scooches back against the door to avoid the growing maw.

            Stadbury breathes a sigh of relief and lays his head against the door. The door swings open and knocks him on the back of the head. Agitated, he looks up, “Sorry Stadbury, did you get yours taken care—“ the slender dark-haired girl looks around the room and makes note of the burning bureau and the dripping hole in the center of the room. Her eyes finally land upon Stadbury’s own battered visage.
            “Mayfaire, you insult—“ he pauses momentarily to spit out a tooth, “You insult me, Mayfaire. Of course my two are taken care of! Am I not your glorious leader?! Are we not the Fellowship of Stadbury?!” He gestures grandly at nothing in particular.
            “Uh… Huh… Well, the others have their guards taken care of and we’ve actually managed to find someone who seems kind of important to take hostage. We think we might know where the sword is and the men are in the courtyard of the manor fighting their way in here right now. I uh… I hope you’ve still got enough left in you for a real fight.”
            “Of course, Mayfaire, of course. Naturally, the plan is going off without a hitch. Go on now, and I’ll catch up to you. I’ve got to finish some things in here.” Stadbury barely finishes the sentence before he collapses on the bed. Mayfaire leaves the room, shutting the door behind her and returning to her comrades.

            There remains much to do.

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