Monday, April 21, 2014

LetterPop Review

Here's a quick hypothetical for you: You're like the biggest Monk fan ever and you want to stay abreast of all the going-ons in the the life of it's lead actor after the show has finished, but somehow there isn't a Tony Shaloub fan-club. Somehow.
 So, in failing to find a Tony Shaloub fan club, you decide to form one on your own. Maybe after Monk Shaloub had guest appearance on NCIS as a corpse? Maybe you just want a forum to talk about how much you loved Thirteen Ghosts? I don't know, and more importantly I'm not judging you. What we need to talk about is how you're going to keep all of the members of your fan club up to date on all the exciting developments in Tony Shaloub's life.

Why, a monthly newsletter of course.

That's where LetterPop comes in! LetterPop is a website devised to make it easy and "fun" to write, publish and distribute a newsletter and comes with a suite of features to that end. For starters, there are hundreds of templates to choose from to make sure your Newsletter conveys the gravity Tony Shaloub demands. LetterPop also comes pre-loaded with literally six stock images for you to populate the barren empty spaces between your text. You can also upload your own pictures, but this feature didn't seem to function very well. I'm not sure if the picture I chose was just too big or if the function is just not available to non-subscribers, but the bottom line is that my newsletter didn't feature a Shaloub picture.

After you're done writing the newsletter up, it's time to publish it and send it out. I didn't get a chance to try these features because you have to pay $4.95 to actually do anything with the newsletter you create, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they work perfectly because wow six pictures.

So, publish and E-Mail your newsletter! Just make your subscribers turn off their spam filters! Because seriously? Newletters? What year is this?

I got to use three features on this website and one of them didn't work properly. $4.95 is too much to pay for something that generates newsletters. Newsletters are outdated and stupid. Also, here's a link to a Chrome App that does the same thing for free.

Thumbs Down.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About College

College isn't even that hard if you just show up and do the work.

Also, there aren't that many parties or at the very least, I don't get invited to that many parties. I haven't worn a toga yet and Animal House isn't particularly representative of the college experience (or a particularly good film. Seriously that shit is over-rated). I haven't eaten green jell-o once but maybe that's because I live off campus and don't really eat at the cafeteria that often (or ever. Seriously that shit is over-rated).

On the topic of college related movies from the 80's/late 70's Revenge of the Nerds is probably my favorite. I really like the guy who played Booger, Curtis Armstrong. He has a really distinctive voice and actually does a lot of voice-acting now. It's always a pleasant surprise when he appears in something.

I kind of phoned this in. Whoops. Ha ha.


I haven't written anything here in so long. It's all really old and embarrassing.