Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About College

College isn't even that hard if you just show up and do the work.

Also, there aren't that many parties or at the very least, I don't get invited to that many parties. I haven't worn a toga yet and Animal House isn't particularly representative of the college experience (or a particularly good film. Seriously that shit is over-rated). I haven't eaten green jell-o once but maybe that's because I live off campus and don't really eat at the cafeteria that often (or ever. Seriously that shit is over-rated).

On the topic of college related movies from the 80's/late 70's Revenge of the Nerds is probably my favorite. I really like the guy who played Booger, Curtis Armstrong. He has a really distinctive voice and actually does a lot of voice-acting now. It's always a pleasant surprise when he appears in something.

I kind of phoned this in. Whoops. Ha ha.


Unknown said...

This first paragraph relating to the stigma's of college is very true and good to remind incoming college students that they don't have to follow these flashy stigmas.

Julie Smith said...

Since when do you NOT phone things in , Derek?

yeah, I went there. ;)

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your blog. I also live of campus and I rarely eat at the cafeteria.

Unknown said...

The food in the cafeteria is crap but I can't say i agree with you on Animal House I think its a classic same with Revenge of the Nerds

Unknown said...

Your blog is hilarious. Aside from that, I also live off campus and haven't eaten cafeteria food since fourth grade, can't say I'll see that changing soon.