Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome... To the World of Tomorrow!

In less than 24 hours (that's a full day for you Rhodes Scholars out there) it will be the year of our lord 2010. Just to give you some perspective, the Jetsons took place in the year 2062.

Tragically, anyone who remembers the Jetsons well enough to be waiting for Robotic Maids and flying cars that fold into easy to tote suitcases (and really, this should be everyone) will surely be dead before these great scientific milestones can be achieved.

Additionally, Suicide booths.

Which according to Futurama were invented in 2008. Which is now, as of tomorrow fully two years ago. Zounds.

That's right, ladies and germs. We are living in the god-damned future. Although, honestly, I feel like a lot of magnitude of this has been lifted by the fact that now that we're in the future, it's the present. Which, is truly depressing, this means the future is always a couple of years off. Because of our rigidly defined concepts of how "time" works, we'll never get to see awesome shit like this:

Maybe the key to time travel is simply not understanding how time works. Maybe if men and women long dead hadn't used the first sundials to keep track of when they had to move their rocks to their other rocks, we could all be living in a world of personal space shuttles and sexy flying saucer women.

Oh, what could have been.

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