Sunday, February 28, 2010


I'm in a bad mood.

What I was originally going to do was to write something meaningful and introspective. A deep look into my feelings and insecurities. The sort of thing that would make me feel like a bitch later, and ultimately get deleted in little over hour, pulled from the tubes in a moment of shame, hopefully before anyone could see it.

I know this scenario pretty well, because, hell, I've done it before. In fact, as recently as December, I'd kept a personal Journal on my computer where I bitched and moaned about various things. If you were to read it now, you'd be under the impression nothing good had ever happened to me once throughout the course of my life. It's embarrassing and I'm probably going to delete it after I finish writing this entry. Here's an example, one of the entries from the journal:

Entry 19

Tuesday, September 29th , 2009

I don’t even feel like writing anymore.

I’m fucking horrible at math and I’m going to disappoint my parents…

-1:28 AM

That was last semester of school. Back then, I was convinced I was going to flunk my first ever college math course, but do you know what happened? I didn't. I passed it and moved onto the next part of the course, which I will also not fail. That's right. That's damn right.

Bottom line is this: Right now I feel insecure. Unlikeable. Boring. Stupid. Ugly. Fat. Not to mention every other stupid bad awful thing a person can feel about themselves. These things happen. These feelings come in waves. What's good to know is, that in all likely-hood, tomorrow I won't feel this way.

And what's more? I won't have a reason to then, either.

-The Management

1 comment:

Gobii said...

I know exactly how you feel.