Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Dialogue With a Blog

Hey, Blog.

How have you been?

Me? Oh, I've been good. Can't complain. Thanks for asking.

I know it's weird, coming to you now out of the blue like this after all this time, but, the truth is... Well, I've been thinking of the good times. Do you remember, blog? The fun we used to have? I'd come to you late, in the dead of night and I'd whisper something like, "Sphincter". Sometimes I'd write a review of something that was too old to be legitimately reviewed, or I'd just generally muse about life. Sometimes I'd just try to be funny and fail spectacularly, but you didn't care. You let me write on you anyway.

And it was good. No, it was great.

I guess, blog, what I'm saying, is that... I want to try again. I want to give us another go. I want to muse on you again! I want to write outdated reviews on you again! I want to make short cop-out posts and use pictures as a substitute for actual jokes!

If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, blog, I promise you'll never regret it.

Yours Truly
-S. Crumb.

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